4 FOTO maria ant


The program "Conferências Breves",  inspired at the German philosopher Walter Benjamin's radio program, has been held at CEUMA-USP with the attempt to put together scientist and the lay public. Prof. Mary Gasalla was a guest speaker, presenting the relationships between oceans and climate, current processes and changes, and the impacts suffered by traditional communities that live by the coastal areas.

The CEUMA (Centro Universitário Maria Antonia) is located at the central zone of São Paulo and represent and important phase of USP's history.

The participation was opened to the external public and challenged the selected form of language and narratives encouraging other forms of comprehension, more integrative. To the speaker herself it represented a "threshold time", following the term of the benjaminians conception of processes. Opposing to the instrumental and homogenizing knowledge, Benjamin opposes to the scientific and disciplinar knowledge arrogance, and invited us to a new world's knowledge. We believe that his purpose was successfully applied that evening in terms of the exposition of those LabPesq's research themes, so current and relevant as unknown to the general public.