7 FOTO ciencia

On May the 7th 2019, the debate "Sciences and Humanities: Sixty Years Late"/"Ciências e Humanidades: Sessenta Anos Depois" discussed the challenges and opportunities of transdisciplinary bringing, celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the "Two Cultures" conference held in Cambridge. Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo by Prof. José Eli da Veiga, was honored by Ricardo Abramovay and Sonia Maria Barros de Oliveira as panelists, and experts from various areas of knowledge. Mary Gasalla raised considerations in respect to Sustainability Science and potential different views on the IPCC report.  


Follow the midia coverage at: http://jornalismojunior.com.br/ciencias-e-humanidades-sessenta-anos-depois-iea-usp-aborda-a-transdisciplinaridade-na-ciencia-em-evento/