

Laboratory of Geoprocessing (LabGEO)

The Laboratory of Geoprocessing has been initially created by Prof. Valdenir Veronese Furtado in the 80s. Today, the laboratory performs with various software of processing e archives of digital and analogical maps. The LabGEO owns state-of-the-art equipments, with the main focus of education, research and outreach in the areas of Oceanography and Earth Science.

The laboratory works with research of production, processing and interpretation of geophysical and sedimentological properties in delta plains, continental platforms, slopes and basins. The magnetic, sedimentological, seismic, petrophysical, biological e geochemical results are obtained in order to gain information for environmental reconstructions and understanding of the evolution of the marine and geological processes.

The LabGEO works as a multidisciplinary research platform available to everybody that works with Marine and Earth Sciences, as other groups of the Instituto Oceanográfico, Escola Politécnica, Instituto de Geociências, Instituto de Geofísica, Astronomia e Ciências Atmosfericas, and other Brazilian and foreigners Universities.



